Sustainability report of 2022: Energy, environment and sustainable development

Sustainability report of 2022: Energy, environment and sustainable development

MP-Maustepalvelu Oy wants to offer its customers first-class raw materials while maintaining its operations sustainable. We take sustainability into account above all in the selection of raw material suppliers and in our own operations. For this reason, we are committed to environmental sustainability, follow a carefully designed environmental program and take responsibility into account in all areas of our operations. We will continue to develop and analyze raw material supplier surveys as part of improving the transparency of the entire supply chain, and considering factors related to human rights, working conditions and the environment.

The starting points of our company’s operations include the motivation and encouragement of our personnel, as well as the continuous development and profitability of our operations. We want to offer our personnel good conditions to train, be motivated and develop further in their careers. Our stable economy enables the development of responsible business operations, and by investing in production equipment we improve our environmental responsibility.

In our new 2022 sustainability report, we have explained how various megatrends, such as climate change, digitalization, globalization, the appreciation of healthiness and naturalness, and the difficulty of international trade affect our operations.

The removal of the pandemic restrictions, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the droughts of the European summer of 2022 have caused prices to rise by tens of percent. The consumption of many commodities has increased at a record high. Securing raw material supply has required great efforts from the entire organization. Our good relations with suppliers have been helpful here and contributed to maintaining delivery reliability at a good level.

One of our most important environmental goals is to reduce the amount of packaging, increase the efficiency of recycling and manage energy consumption at our production facility in Hämeenlinna. We have already succeeded in reducing the carbon footprint by about a quarter when we switched to using emission-free Ilmatar’s wind energy.

With these measures, we guarantee that our business will continue to be sustainable, serve our customers with quality and continue to build on our strong foundation: health and well-being, decent work and economic growth, cooperation and partnership.

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